Monday, February 23, 2015

Members' Lunch 2015

As in past years, the Members' Lunch was held in Silks Restaurant at the Canberra racecourse.  The weather was great, which only added to the day.  The room was full of members.

The event was opened by Sue, who introduced our guests for the day:
  • Sky Holland - the 2014/15 Lightning Ridge Opal Queen
  • Trish Bradley - the 2015 Narooma Cup Fashions on the Field winner
  • John and Neroli Bevan from Lightning Ridge
  • Dr Chris Ward, Chairman of the Canberra Racing Club
Each table entered into a tipping competition that ran over most of the races, and it was clear that some knew their horses and a lot didn't with several tables quickly going to the lead.

There were three milliners present, with tables of hats that drew many of the members like a moth to a flame.

In between races we held our own Fashion on the Field competition.  Best Dressed Lady went to Ellnor Grassby.  Best Dressed Man was Josh Burgess, Best Couple were Franca and Dayle, Best Hat originally went to Debra Parrish, but as she donated one of her own creations as a prize, she had to pick a runner up - this went to Karyn Peyton, Best Male Hat to John Howe, Best Tie to Mick James.  Our judges for the day were Debra, Trish and Sky.

After the running of the Lightning Ridge Plate, Sky Holland, the Opal Queen, was introduced to the owner of the winning horse and her trainer Graz Vella.

All-in-all a great day was had by all.  A slideshow is below.   If you can't see it, click here.


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