Sunday, March 9, 2014

Black Opal & Racing Hall of Fame Dinner

This year the running of the Black Opal coincided with the Racing Hall of Fame dinner.  So it was also a tiring day - with the formal dinner following on only a few hours after the races finished for the day.  Just enough time to get home, changed, and then back out of the house again.

For those interested in fashions, the slideshow below shows a few photos of the Myer Fashions on the Field competition followed by more from the Hall of Fame dinner.

The dinner was held at the National Gallery in the Parliamentary Triangle.  It started with drinks outside where we met up with each other and tried to get photographed by the press photographers.  While some of us were magnets for the media, unfortunately their editors were a bit blind, so they didn't include us in their publications.

Dinner was in a big function room, with large screens at both the back and the front of the room so that everyone was able to see the presentations on the stage and the audio-visual presentations that accompanied them.  There were several trainers inducted into the Hall of Fame, and some horses, trainers, owners, and racecallers.

When famous racehorse Subzero was announced, to everyone's surprise Subzero was paraded into the courtyard outside. Many rushed outside to have their photos taken with the horse.  This was difficult unless you pushed Karyn away from it first.  Unfortunately they also didn't cover any of this in the television coverage.

We had a very pleasant 3 course meal with plenty of wine all round.  Except for us "designated drivers", of course.

A great time was had by all, with everything over by about 11 pm.

If you can't see the slideshow below, click here.


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