Saturday, August 3, 2013

AGM 2013

The Women in Racing AGM is unlike most other AGMs.  It's hard to tell if its a formal meeting or just a fun get-together for 60 or so people who have a party whenever they are in a room together.

Although it was a sunny day, it was cold, and a good day to be inside sipping champagne.

Catherine opened the meeting and gave an overview of how WiR has progressed over the past year.

Mary walked us through the financial statements and explained that in financial terms we were much the same as last year, with profits from some events being used to subsidise other events.

Karyn gave a humorous run-down of the recent trip to Lightning Ridge.  She was allowed to wear Sue's souvenir Opal Queen Contestant for her speech, but I noticed Sue come over later and claim it back just in case someone else "souvenired" it away.

We had a great BBQ lunch, followed by a great presentation by Pat Murphy who spoke about fashions in the past, especially those on the racing scene.  I think it brought back a lot of good memories for some of the members who remembered Canberra of the past. Pat also brought samples of hats, gloves, and handbags from past eras that she had made or used.  There are photos below of various people modelling her hats.

Christine Waring had a hat display set up, and many members got a chance to try out something new in the hat department.


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