Saturday, August 16, 2014

Annual General Meeting 2014

Once again our AGM was held at the Brassey Hotel in Barton.   It was remarkably well-attended.

After getting our names marked off by Maria at the door, we caught up with friends and sipped on champagne.  There was a selection of Christine Waring hats for those perpetually looking for a new outfit.

The meeting started with Catherine outlining the activities and achievements over the past year.  Mary then gave the Treasurer's report, and Sue gave a report on the various trips and events on the Women in Racing calendar.

Catherine announced that due for personal reasons she was standing down as President.  This was met with disappointment by the members, and various people congratulated her on her past performance and wished her well.

Sue gave a brief run-down on how the Committee operated, with most planning for the year happening in February when the broad calendar of functions and trips were scheduled.  She explained that despite their best plans, sometimes there were conflicts with other racing events, or proximity to public holidays that made it difficult for some people to attend.  She also explained that at some times of the year, such as January and Easter, it was almost impossible to organise events so groups of members just arranged to meet at some town or racecourse for the day and she would help organise accommodation or transport for them.

Naomi and Vic gave an entertaining review of the recent trip to Lightning Ridge (the last one, ever).  It was clear that everyone had a great time.

Rosie then gave a review of a recent trip that she, Mary, and Sue, took to the Hunter Valley.  From all accounts it was a harrowing drive with Sue at the wheel and the others hanging on for grim life.  They hadn't even realised that Gerd's car had a sports mode before then.   She explained how much work went into planning one of our bus trips, and the need to sort out motels, meal locations, places to see, and things to do.

Mick James then announced the new Committee for the coming year.

"Other Business" was the final AGM agenda item, that there was a lively discussion about how the committee works and how we should establish some succession planning to ensure a smooth transition if any of the experienced Committee members left.  It is clear that we have an effective team now.

Below is a slideshow of the day.  If you can't see the slideshow then click here.

After the AGM ended, Christine Waring gave a talk about how accessories can produce different looks and expand you number of outfits.  With the help of a model who was finalist in this year's Face of Canberra Racing, she explained how with just two dresses you could attend each of the major Melbourne Cup carnival race meetings, meeting the dress code of each provided you had the hats, gloves, and purses.   Using Gerd as an assistant, she showed how nice girls dressed when accompanying an older man as his "niece".

Here are some photos of Christine's model, showing the various looks she was able to produce by changing the accessories.

Here is Gerd enjoying the company of his "niece".

A more fun look, also holding the raffle prize....