Sunday, July 14, 2013

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday

We've had a few significant birthdays recently for three of our members.   Coincidentally (?) they all turned up at the Canberra Races last weekend, so we were able to wish them a very Happy Birthday with a cake.

To avoid embarrassing them too much, I won't tell you just how old they really are.  But I'm sure they'll appreciate being told how sprightly they look for their age.

The birthday boys and girl (in decreasing age) were Bob Barlow (now somewhere over 70),  Gerd King (now somewhere over 65), and Jan Palmer (somewhere over 21).

Monday, July 1, 2013

Rosehill Races Trip

Although it was a trip to Rosehill Races, we never made it.  Because of the rain all week, the races were abandoned - but we didn't find out about it until we were underway and about an hour out of Canberra.  Sue might be a great organiser, but she is quite deficient in organising good weather.

We stopped for morning tea at Berrima while we discussed where we should go.  After all, we were all ready for a day out - we just needed to work out where to go.  The rain stopped long enough for a cuppa and cake, but it was still cold and miserable.  But like all Women In Racing events, the company made up for it, and there were lots of smiles in evidence. (click on the photos below to enlarge them)

We noticed the following at the park in Berrima.  No longer are there simple bubblers to drink from - the residents of NSW want filtered water "refill stations".

In the background, it looks like Lee has just remembered that she left the iron on.

Eventually we decided to go to Star Casino, and people could go wherever they liked.

 Some went to the Lyric Theatre to see "War Horse".   Some enjoyed it, others were rumoured to have snored.

Some spent the afternoon watching the races at the Sports Bar and were seen to have been stuffing large denomination notes into their wallets at the end of the day.

And some went into the city, enjoying walking through the pouring rain and fighting for somewhere to sit down.

This weekend was the last time that the monorail was operating, and it was packed out with people riding it for the last time.  I found it was the cheapest and most direct way to get from the casino to the city.

We left Sydney and its rain at about 5pm and headed back to sunny Canberra, pleased to be going home after a long, but enjoyable day out.